
Quick Tip: If different people in your household do different things for their meals and you want to include them, add the current food footprint to your footprint and then you can return to this page and add more food footprints - one for each person.

How many days a week, on average, are you or your household...
High meat-eater

Eating meat

High meat-eater More than 3.5oz per day
Medium meat-eater Between 1.8oz and 3.5oz per day
Low meat-eater Less than 1.8oz per day

Some average weights:

  • Quarter pounder burger - 4oz
  • Two slices of bacon - 1.5 oz
  • Average ham sandwich - 3 oz
  • Chicken drumstick - 3oz
Medium meat-eater
Low meat-eater
Fish eater
Total days: 0
For how many people?
For how long?